Planning and the Parish Council
Planning applications are decided by Broxtowe Borough Council and their planning committee. See our rough guide below on what should be considered when writing a comment on an application.
Published: 13 March 2024
We are often asked to comment on planning applications on behalf of our residents. Whilst we are happy to discuss the merits and disadvantages of applications with our residents, any responses made by the Parish Council must be the decided upon by the Parish Council as a body and they must reflect the views of our parishioners.
The Parish Council is only a statutory consultee on planning applications and our views or objections hold no more weight than those of you as residents. We always encourage you to write your own responses to planning applications which will be counted in addition to any response the Parish Council resolves to send.
How to object;
If you feel an application may negatively impact you, you are entitled to comment or object during the consultation period. When preparing a planning objection, it’s crucial to include material objections that align with relevant planning regulations and considerations. Whilst there is no definitive list of what constitutes a material objection, here’s a breakdown of what you could include, taking into account the provided guidance:
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Visual amenity
- Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
- Highway safety
- Traffic generation
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- Hazardous materials
- Smells
- Loss of trees
- Effect on listed buildings and conservation area
- Layout and density of building
- Design, appearance and materials
- Landscaping
- Road access
- Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
- Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments
- Disabled persons’ access
- Proposals in the Development Plan
- Nature conservation
- Archeology
However, there are many comments the Council receives about planning applications which it cannot legally take into account. These include;
- loss of value to your property
- competition
- loss of view
- boundary disputes
- private covenants or agreements
- the applicant’s personal conduct or history
- the applicant’s motives
- potential profit from the application for the applicant
- disruption during any construction phase
- work already done
- fence lines
- loss of trade or competitors
- age, health, status, background
- work patterns of the objector
- time taken to do the work
- capacity of private drains
- building or structural techniques
- alcohol or gaming licences
When structuring your comments, provide clear and concise arguments supported by evidence wherever possible.
Remember, planning applications are not decided by your Parish Council. Here in Broxtowe, they are decided by the Borough Council. To find out more about an application or to make a comment, please visit Planning (