Local Directory
Useful Phone Numbers
0800 404 090 Electricity
0800 111 999 Gas
0800 783 4444 Water
0115 917 7777 Broxtowe Borough Council
0300 500 8080 Nottinghamshire County Council
03457 484950 National Rail Enquiries
0115 950 6070 Nottingham City Transport
08719 199 000 East Midlands Airport
08444 530118 DVLA
0345 300 3900 Tax Credits
Information provided by Nottinghamshire County Council’s “Cost of living support” team
We understand for many this is a challenging time. Find support, information, advice and guidance to help you and your family, friends and communities using the details below.
Help with Bills
Government Warm Home Discount Scheme Tel: 0800 107 8002
Severn Trent’s Big Water Big Difference Scheme Tel: 0345 7500 500
British Gas Energy Trust Tel: 0330 100 0056
Nottingham Energy Partnership Healthy Housing Service Tel: 0115 985 9057
National Energy Action’s Warm and Safe Homes advice service.
Energy Advice Tel: 0800 304 7159
Benefits Advice Tel: 0800 138 8218
Fuel Direct Scheme. Contact your local Job Centre Tel: 0800 169 0190
Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) can help those claiming Housing Benefit – speak to your local district or borough council
Shelter can help if you are behind on rent Tel: 0808 800 4444.
Childcare costs support
There are lots of ways you can get help to pay for childcare costs:
Tax Free Childcare Scheme up to age 12
Funding for some two-year olds
Funding for all three and four-year olds – 15 hours per week for everyone and 30 hours per week for working parents
Care to Learn – for young parents under 20 in education/training
For more information speak to your local Children’s Centre or phone the Customer Service Centre on 0300 500 80 80.If someone can go on line for you, take a look at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/care/early-yearsand-childcare/help-with-childcare or www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk and look at the Families Information Service tab.
Money support
Money Helper is a free money advice service Tel: 0800 138 7777
If you think you’ve been the victim of a scam, phone your bank and Citizens Advice Consumer Service Tel: 0808 223 1133 for support and advice
StepChange Debt Charity Tel: 0800 138 1111
Youth Legal and Resource Centre Tel: 0203195 1906
Debt Advice Foundation Tel: 0800 622 61 51
Don’t be tempted by loan sharks, speak to your local Credit Union instead: Notts and Lincs Credit Union Tel: 0330 004 0842
Multiply – free courses to help you budget better
If you’re aged 19+ and do not already have a GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) in maths, Multiply is available to you.
Courses and drop-in sessions are available to help improve basic maths and number skills which help when cooking on a budget.
You can find out more about Multiply by calling: Inspire Tel: 01623 677 200 or ask when visiting your local library
Futures Tel: 0800 085 8520
Vision West Notts College Tel: 0808 100 3626
Help with benefits
Make sure you get any benefits you are entitled to.
If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for and you have a specific benefits enquiry, then please call the Customer Service Centre and request a referral to the Benefits Team. Tel: 0300 500 8080
Your local Citizens Advice may also help. Adviceline (England): 0800 144 8848
Local office numbers can be found on their website www. citizensadvice.org.uk/
Online benefits calculators can also help. Get help to look at www.entitledto.co.uk or benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/
Food help
Healthy Start scheme
If you’re at least ten weeks pregnant or have a child under four-years old, you could get help to buy fruit, vegetables, and milk. You can also get vitamins.
If you qualify, you’ll get:
- £4.25 each week during your pregnancy
- £8.50 each week for children from birth to one-year old
- £4.25 for each child aged one to four years
Speak to your midwife, health visitor or Children’s Centre for more information.
More information and to apply Tel: 0300 330 7010 or have a look at www.healthystart.nhs.uk
Lots of children are entitled to free school meals and milk. Speak to your child’s school or phone the Council’s Customer Service Centre Tel: 0300 500 8080. You can apply on line at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/school-meals/ free-school-meals-and-milk
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme supports children who get free school meals during term time, in the holidays. To find out more phone 0115 9774 999 or take a look at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/holiday-activities-and-food
Across Nottinghamshire there are lots of food banks, food clubs, social supermarkets and social eating sessions. Phone the Council’s Customer Service Centre Tel: 0300 500 8080 or take a look at www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk and type in “Food Support” in the search bar at the top of the page.
Your local district or borough council has lots of help and advice, such as community hubs and warm spaces. Broxtowe Borough Council, Beeston Tel: 0115 917 7777
Mental health and wellbeing support
It’s normal to feel worried when times are hard, but if you are getting anxious and have low mood, don’t forget to speak to your doctor, nurse, midwife or health visitor.
People living in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire can get mental health services including Talking Therapies and a 24/7 mental health crisis line Tel: 0808 196 3379. You’ll speak to a local health worker who will get you the right support.
Talking therapies can help with common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression. They are free on the NHS, and you can refer yourself. If you live anywhere in Nottinghamshire, get in touch with Insight Healthcare Tel: 0300 555 5582.
If you use British sign language Sign Health can help Tel: 01494 687 606.
There’s more information at notts.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/mental-health/
The Samaritans phone line is open 24/7 Tel: 116 123. It’s free from any phone.
The Silver Line Tel: 0800 470 8090 is a free confidential helpline for older people and is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
If you’re a mum or dad with a child under five and have low mood, a PHEW (Parents Health and Emotional Wellbeing) Group at your Children’s Centre might be helpful. Call in to your local Children’s Centre or ask the Customer Service Centre on 0300 500 8080
If you’re a young person get someone you trust to look at the Nott Alone website nottalone.org.uk/about?a=yp.